Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ADMT Updates Of Our Project (Making of Toys)

These below are the questions and notes which we should take note of when we are deciding what toy are we going to make as it is very important. You will have to redo if you do wrongly:

1) Board Games are actually not toys, so we cannot think or do up a board game when designing the toy.

2) These toys, as we had chosen, may be related to subjects like Maths, and we would have to work on the topics of money, addition and subtraction. You may refer to the previous post for the information.

3) We must be able to think of the toy's name when we want to design a particular toy.

4) Take note that the toys can be any type of toys except board games and card games.

5) Take note of the essential questions at the previous posts and the answer to them as they are useful.

You may also want to change your idea but together with either the topics or the subjects. We will change when we feel that we are stuck at one end with this idea. So far, we are able to design games too, though board games are not toys. But the note is that these games must include toys. We have been researching on the guiding questions. The next post will be on the guiding questions.

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